生活在别处的你 Another me-Mao Bu Yi(毛不易) lyrics | GECI.SITE - Massive Chinese music lyrics

生活在别处的你 Another me

Mao Bu Yi(毛不易)
xiàng shuí tī fēi de yì lā guàn
nǐ ǒu ěr zhè yáng gǎn tàn
bèi xiàn shí guǒ xié lún zhuǎn
yī rì sān cān bēn bō yōu fán
一日三餐 奔波忧烦
nǐ yān xià mìng yùn de wèi nán
qí shí yǐ zú gòu yǒng gǎn
jūn が yǒng qì なく mián り zhāo を yíng えても bì ず ài は guǎng くなってるから
dàn nǐ de xīn huì shì jiè zháo fēng de chuán
但你的心会是 借着风的船
fān yuè le jù làng réng yǒu bù xí de qī pàn
翻越了巨浪 仍有不熄的期盼
Always in this hand I hold
Always in this hand I hold
huài れない yàng に dà qiē に  mó fǎ を かけにゆくよ
壊れない様に大切に 魔法を かけにゆくよ
どんな shì jiè でも hé にだってなれる
pú もそこにいる  yuàn いよ jiè け
僕もそこにいる 願いよ届け
xiàng hòu niǎo zài yán tú shī sàn
xiāng yuē lái rì de tóng bàn
yě zhǐ zǒu dào zhè yī duàn
nǐ yī dìng xiǎng zhèn bì hū hǎn
你一定想 振臂呼喊
fèn lì cóng è mèng zhōng xǐng zhuǎn
zài cì xiàng gū dú xuān zhàn
xī wàng zǒng xiàng yī bǐ lvè guò de dá àn
希望总像 一笔略过的答案
yáo bù kě jí de duì àn
zhuō nòng nǐ zài dǐ dá zhī qián xiān cháng guò yí hàn
捉弄你在抵达之前 先尝过遗憾
jūn を zhào らす guāng になる
bù ān な rì は  yì に biàn わるよ
不安な日は 翼に変わるよ
Always in this hand I hold,
Always in this hand I hold,
it's your solitary soul
it's your solitary soul
Till the end of time, I shall stay, to find you a miracle
Till the end of time, I shall stay, to find you a miracle
Go through all the tears and hope,
Go through all the tears and hope,
all the misery and love、
all the misery and love、
Your smile will be the only thing I keep praying for
Your smile will be the only thing I keep praying for
lèi sì de píng fán zài hū huàn jiù suàn cóng wèi pèng miàn
类似的平凡 在呼唤 就算从未碰面
xīn しい cì の kōng へ  gòng に xíng こう
新しい次の空へ 共に行こう
その xīn に xī wàng lì ればこの shǒu が wū れても
Always in this hand I hold,
Always in this hand I hold,
it's your solitary soul
it's your solitary soul
Till the end of time, I shall stay, to find you a miracle
Till the end of time, I shall stay, to find you a miracle
Go through all the tears and hope,
Go through all the tears and hope,
all the misery and love、
all the misery and love、
Your smile will be the only thing I keep praying for
Your smile will be the only thing I keep praying for
10 yì xiàn jīn jī lì , qiān yì liú liàng fú chí !