夜的心-Chen Bai Qiang(陈百强) lyrics | GECI.SITE - Massive Chinese music lyrics


Chen Bai Qiang(陈百强)
yè de fēng chuī sòng rù huái
夜的风 吹送入怀
yè de xīn kāi shǐ wǔ bǎi
zhè kōng jiān zhè sì dào qiáng
这空间 这四道墙
lìng wǒ zuì bù kuài
yě de xīn zài bù yào huó mái
chén mèn shēn xiāo cōng cōng shàng jiē
jiè yī kè yào yī qiē jǐn wàng
táo bì shù fú xīn tài
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
yè de jiē tā zhèng pái huái
夜的街 她正徘徊
yè hēi zhōng bù bì le jiě
yǎn chuān suō bù lǐ wèi hé
眼穿梭 不理为何
tóu rù sì huǒ biān jiè
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
wǒ xiào nǐ shī bài nǐ zhè gè jiǎ wěi dà
我笑你失败 你这个假伟大
hóng rì chū shēng dū shì sū xǐng
红日初升 都市苏醒
yè de xīn xiāo shī le yǐng
yòu yī tiān xīn zài huó mái
又一天 心再活埋
wàng diào yǒu guò qīng kuài
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
shuí wèn Why Why
谁问Why Why
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Tell Me That Is Human Nature
Why Why nǎ gè shuō zhè jiào huài
Why Why 哪个说这叫坏
wǒ xiào nǐ shī bài