后天-Jane Zhang(张靓颖) lyrics | GECI.SITE - Massive Chinese music lyrics


Jane Zhang(张靓颖)
shuí ràng jì yì diāo xiè gū dú màn xiàng huǐ miè
谁让记忆凋谢 孤独漫向毁灭
love me love me
love me love me
love me love me
love me love me
huāng dàn de lǐ yóu when they push me like this
荒诞的理由 when they push me like this
shuí néng jiù shú wǒ líng hún de cán quē
ràng ài fù sū zài míng tiān de míng tiān
wèn yī biàn yòu yī biàn
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
jiù wǒ jiù wǒ
救我 救我
jiù wǒ jiù wǒ
救我 救我
huán yǒu shuí gèng dǎn qiè méi dǐ xiàn de tuǒ xié
还有谁更胆怯 没底线的妥协
help me help me
help me help me
help me help me
help me help me
duō wú liáo de lǐ yóu when they killed me like that
多无聊的理由 when they killed me like that
shuí néng jiù shú wǒ líng hún de cán quē
ràng ài fù sū zài míng tiān de míng tiān
wèn yī biàn yòu yī biàn
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
jiù wǒ jiù wǒ
救我 救我
lí míng zhī qián de yǎn
Who jiù wǒ jiù wǒ
Who 救我 救我
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you
they talk about about about about you