一脉生长-Liao Chang Yong & Ji Ke Jun Yi & Huang Meng La & Shang Hai Xiao Ying Xing Yi Shu Tuan(廖昌永&吉克隽逸&黄蒙拉&上海小荧星艺术团) lyrics | GECI.SITE - Massive Chinese music lyrics


Liao Chang Yong & Ji Ke Jun Yi & Huang Meng La & Shang Hai Xiao Ying Xing Yi Shu Tuan(廖昌永&吉克隽逸&黄蒙拉&上海小荧星艺术团)
yáo wàng wú yín de tiān kōng
遥望 无垠的天空
Looking at the sky
Looking at the sky
yǎn jīng yǒu tóng yáng de guāng máng
In your eyes it shines the same light
In your eyes it shines the same light
qīng tīng qiān nián de hū huàn
倾听 千年的呼唤
Listen the call echoes through the ages
Listen the call echoes through the ages
bǎ chūn tiān qīng fàng zài nǐ wǒ shǒu shàng
The spring comes to our hands
The spring comes to our hands
zhāng kāi nǐ wǒ de bì wān
张开 你我的臂弯
Open our arms wide
Open our arms wide
shì wǒ men jiāo ào de mó yáng
And see how proud when together we stand
And see how proud when together we stand
shēn chū shǒu wǒ de péng yǒu
伸出手 我的朋友
Touch my hand high my friend
Touch my hand high my friend
yíng zháo mèng xiǎng jí zhǎng
In the music of our dreams we strum
In the music of our dreams we strum
zài yà zhōu měi lì jiā xiāng
In the beautiful land of Asia
In the beautiful land of Asia
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng zì yóu gē chàng
我和你一样 自由歌唱
Just like you I sing free
Just like you I sing free
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng wèi mèng shǎn liàng
我和你一样 为梦闪亮
Just like you I reach for the dream
Just like you I reach for the dream
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng xīn yǒu nuǎn yáng
我和你一样 心有暖阳
Just like you I dream of the sun
Just like you I dream of the sun
zài shēng mìng bēn téng de lù shàng wǎng ài de fāng xiàng
在生命奔腾的路上 往爱的方向
On the path of life on the way of love
On the path of life on the way of love
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng yǒng wǎng qián fāng zhuī fēng tà làng
我和你一样 勇往前方 追风踏浪
Just like you I follow the dream on the wind and the waves
Just like you I follow the dream on the wind and the waves
qiān nián suì yuè de shēng xiǎng
千年 岁月的声响
Time is a ladder with many steps
Time is a ladder with many steps
zhōng huì biàn chéng huān xiào huí dàng
Echoes of our laughter
Echoes of our laughter
wǒ men dū yī mài shēng cháng
We grow so bright for so long
We grow so bright for so long
shǒu pěng xīng chén tài yáng
In our hands we catch the stars and the light
In our hands we catch the stars and the light
zài yà zhōu měi lì jiā xiāng
In the beautiful land of Asia
In the beautiful land of Asia
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng zì yóu gē chàng
我和你一样 自由歌唱
I'm just like you singing free
I'm just like you singing free
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng wèi mèng shǎn liàng
我和你一样 为梦闪亮
I'm just like you reaching for the dream
I'm just like you reaching for the dream
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng xīn yǒu nuǎn yáng
我和你一样 心有暖阳
I'm just like you dreaming of the sun
I'm just like you dreaming of the sun
zài shēng mìng bēn téng de lù shàng wǎng ài de fāng xiàng
在生命奔腾的路上 往爱的方向
On the path of life on the way of love
On the path of life on the way of love
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng yǒng wǎng qián fāng
我和你一样 勇往前方
I'm just like you heading toward the future
I'm just like you heading toward the future
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng wèi mèng shǎn liàng
我和你一样 为梦闪亮
I'm just like you reaching for the dream
I'm just like you reaching for the dream
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng xīn yǒu nuǎn yáng
我和你一样 心有暖阳
I'm just like you dreaming of the sun
I'm just like you dreaming of the sun
zài shēng mìng bēn téng de lù shàng wǎng ài de fāng xiàng
在生命奔腾的路上 往爱的方向
On the path of life on the way of love
On the path of life on the way of love
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng kě wàng yuǎn fāng zhuī fēng tà làng
我和你一样 渴望远方 追风踏浪
I'm just like you longing for the future
I'm just like you longing for the future
wǒ hé nǐ yī yáng zì yóu gē chàng
我和你一样 自由歌唱
I'm just like you singing free
I'm just like you singing free