守望彼岸-Han Lei(韩磊) lyrics | GECI.SITE - Massive Chinese music lyrics


Han Lei(韩磊)
wǒ yǐ jìng zuò hěn jiǔ
For ages I've been sitting here still
For ages I've been sitting here still
qiān nián de làng tāo yī jiù
Watching the waves of the rivers for thousands of years
Watching the waves of the rivers for thousands of years
zài cǐ àn de jiān shǒu
Guarding the land on the shore
Guarding the land on the shore
shì shì jiān fán chén yīn guǒ
Witnessing the transmigration in the mundane world
Witnessing the transmigration in the mundane world
mín jiāng de fēng ràng qīng yī piāo dòng
岷江的风 让青衣飘动
Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River
Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River
dà dù hé shuǐ zhèng qǐ qǐ luò luò
大渡河水 正起起落落
Dadu River rises and falls
Dadu River rises and falls
sān jiāng dōng qù rèn suì yuè cuō tuó
三江东去 任岁月蹉跎
The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by
The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by
rú shì dào zhě hé rén xiào tán zhōng
儒释道者 何人笑谈中
Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists Buddhists and Taoists
Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists Buddhists and Taoists
wǒ běn yī shān yī shí tóu
Once I was a rock in the mountains
Once I was a rock in the mountains
qiān chuí bǎi liàn kè chéng fó
Craftsmen carved me into a buddha
Craftsmen carved me into a buddha
hǎi tōng de yǎn jiàng rén shǒu
With Monk Haitong's selfless dedication and devotional prayer
With Monk Haitong's selfless dedication and devotional prayer
huàn dé chéng zhōu qiān fān guò
Thousands of sails cross the rivers safely
Thousands of sails cross the rivers safely
wǒ běn yī shān yī shí tóu
Once I was a rock in the mountains
Once I was a rock in the mountains
qiān dāo wàn fǔ de diāo zhuó
With innumerable sculpting and carving
With innumerable sculpting and carving
xīn zhōng pú tí jí bān ruò
Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart
Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart
shǒu wàng bǐ àn zhī jiā zhōu
Enabled I am to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore
Enabled I am to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore
mín jiāng de fēng ràng qīng yī piāo dòng
岷江的风 让青衣飘动
Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River
Qingyi River dances with the wind from Mingjiang River
dà dù hé shuǐ zhèng qǐ qǐ luò luò
大渡河水 正起起落落
Dadu River rises and falls
Dadu River rises and falls
sān jiāng dōng qù rèn suì yuè cuō tuó
三江东去 任岁月蹉跎
The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by
The three rivers flow eastwards as time goes by
rú shì dào zhě hé rén xiào tán zhōng
儒释道者 何人笑谈中
Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists Buddhists and Taoists
Echoing with the laughters and talks among Confucianists Buddhists and Taoists
wǒ běn yī shān yī cǎo mù
Once I was a blade of grass in the mountains
Once I was a blade of grass in the mountains
yī niàn yī jìng màn zhí zhù
Quietly peacefully and perpetually
Quietly peacefully and perpetually
guò kè bēi huān yǔ lí hé
I saw sorrows and joys,and partings and reunions of people
I saw sorrows and joys,and partings and reunions of people
yù shān yù shuǐ yù zì wǒ
Who passed by and found the true self between mountains and rivers
Who passed by and found the true self between mountains and rivers
wǒ běn yī shān yī jìng tǔ
Once I was a pure land in the mountains
Once I was a pure land in the mountains
qīng mái shì fēi yǔ chén fú
Away from the material and complex world
Away from the material and complex world
ná lái bái tǎ dāng bǐ mò
The white tower is my brush
The white tower is my brush
huī sǎ qīng tiān yòu rú hé
With which I paint the blue sky freely
With which I paint the blue sky freely
shì shèng shì xiān shì rén shì fó
Am I a saint a god a human or a buddha?
Am I a saint a god a human or a buddha?
qiě xiào qiě nù qiě xíng qiě zuò
I laugh I anger I travel and I rest
I laugh I anger I travel and I rest
mèng zhōng qǐ shēn zǒu zǒu
In my dream I rise up and walk to the shore
In my dream I rise up and walk to the shore
qǔ jiāng shuǐ yī piáo jìng jiǔ
Scoop the water from the rivers and drink a toast
Scoop the water from the rivers and drink a toast
qí yuàn bǎi xìng qiān qiū wú yōu
To Heaven and Earth for your infinite benevolence
To Heaven and Earth for your infinite benevolence
wǒ běn yī shān yī shí tóu
Once I was a rock in the mountains
Once I was a rock in the mountains
qiān dāo wàn fǔ de diāo zhuó
With innumerable sculpting and carving
With innumerable sculpting and carving
xīn zhōng pú tí jí bān ruò
Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart
Bodhi and Prajna were engraved upon my heart
shǒu wàng bǐ àn zhī jiā zhōu
Enabled I am to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore
Enabled I am to guard and bless the land of Jiazhou on the other shore
jìng kàn qiān nián làng tāo guò
Year after year I watch silently the waves roll away
Year after year I watch silently the waves roll away
jiān shǒu cǐ àn fán chén zuò
And guard on this shore the mumdane world
And guard on this shore the mumdane world